Category: News

2021 Big White Winter Rally Update

26 October 2021

The 2021 BWWR schedule has been updated to December 11-12, 2021.  The schedule will be recce Saturday AM, rally Saturday PM and rally Sunday.

The rally will be held under provincial health orders.  Proof of vaccination is required for all events greater than 100 participants and will be mandatory to be present at the event.

We would encourage competitors to consider bringing an extra person who can be accommodated with the team to help as a rally volunteer. HAM radio operators are greatly needed.

Updated British Columbia / Interior Health Public Health Orders can be found HERE.

The organizers are working diligently to ensure that the rally will run as planned. Currently the event status is yellow / provisional.  We will aim to update this to confirmed/green in the next 2-3 weeks.

Jennifer, BWWR Organiser

2021 BIG White Winter Rally

Is it Canadian Rally time yet?!?

Planning is underway for the 2021 Big White Winter Rally, the final event in the Canadian Rally Championship.  British Columbia is scheduled for gradual reopening throughout the year if the pandemic allows.  The provincial reopening plan can be reviewed HERE.

The 2021 rally schedule will be recce Friday, rally Saturday.  The event will comply with current provincial public health orders and local resort requirements.  The organizers and the resort are looking forward to hosting rally teams from across North America. Let it snow!

2020 Big White Winter Rally Cancellation

In light of the current BC health restrictions relating to Covid-19, the Big White Winter Rally organizing committee has regrettably decided to cancel this year’s event. Current BCCDC guidelines have imposed a limit of 50 people maximum at any event. This, paired with the current border closure, severely limits our ability to move forward with this event safely, while upholding the integrity of the Big White Winter Rally.
We have explored alternative options, such as shortening the schedule to reduce the duration of contact, reducing the amount of shared volunteer accommodation, moving all meetings to online, limiting access to the service park, limiting numbers at each spectator point or possibly eliminating them entirely, eliminating the finish party/awards banquet, and other measures. After careful consideration, the organizing committee feels that there is no foreseeable way of successfully navigating the intricacies of a winter event, in such a cold climate, in a way that keeps our competitors and volunteers safe.
As such, we will look forward to the upcoming 2021 season and focus our energy on making next year better than ever.
We appreciate your understanding through these challenging times and hope to see you all next year.
– Big White Winter Rally Organising Committee
À la lumière des restrictions actuelles de la Colombie britannique en matière de santé en ce qui concerne la Covid-19, le comité organisateur du Big White Winter Rally a décidé à regret d’annuler l’édition de cette année. Les directives actuelles de la BCCDC imposent une limite de 50 personnes pour quelque événement que ce soit. Cette mesure, ajoutée à celle de la fermeture de nos frontières, restreint sévèrement notre aptitude à présenter cette édition en toute sécurité, tout en respectant l’intégrité du Big White Winter Rally.
Nous avons exploré diverses alternatives, comme réduire l’horaire pour réduire la durée des contacts, diminuer le partage des chambres de nos bénévoles, tenir toutes les réunions en ligne, limiter l’accès aux parcs d’assistance, limiter le nombre de spectateurs à toutes les aires de spectateurs ou les éliminer complètement, éliminer la fête de fin du rallye et la remise des prix, et d’autres mesures. Après une réflexion exhaustive, le comité organisateur est d’avis qu’il n’y a aucune façon gagnante de naviguer à travers toutes les embûches d’un rallye d’hiver, dans un climat comme le nôtre, tout en assurant la sécurité des compétiteurs et des bénévoles.
C’est pourquoi nous allons dorénavant nous tourner vers la saison 2021 et concentrer toute notre énergie à faire de la prochaine édition la meilleure que nous aurons jamais tenue.
Nous sommes persuadés que vous comprenez et nous espérons tous vous revoir l’an prochain.
Le comité organisateur du Big White


Big White Winter Rally Sponsor: Big White Ski Resort
Frontech Solutions Inc.
