2021 Big White Winter Rally Update

26 October 2021

The 2021 BWWR schedule has been updated to December 11-12, 2021.  The schedule will be recce Saturday AM, rally Saturday PM and rally Sunday.

The rally will be held under provincial health orders.  Proof of vaccination is required for all events greater than 100 participants and will be mandatory to be present at the event.

We would encourage competitors to consider bringing an extra person who can be accommodated with the team to help as a rally volunteer. HAM radio operators are greatly needed.

Updated British Columbia / Interior Health Public Health Orders can be found HERE.

The organizers are working diligently to ensure that the rally will run as planned. Currently the event status is yellow / provisional.  We will aim to update this to confirmed/green in the next 2-3 weeks.

Jennifer, BWWR Organiser


Big White Winter Rally Sponsor: Big White Ski Resort
The Canadian Rally Championship presented by Subaru
Frontech Solutions Inc.
