Big White Rally Big White Rally Big White Rally Big White Rally Big White Rally Big White Rally



Information and Schedule

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Big White Rally Competitors

Information, Documents, Registration

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Big White Rally Volunteers

Information and Registration

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Latest News Updates

2014 Volunteer Registration Now Open!

Hello friends, it’s time once again to sign up to get the best seat in the house. As in previous years, we have set up a short survey to collect and centralize information on our small army of volunteers required to run the event safely and successfully. This method allows us to place volunteers effectively…

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OCARC Ham Radio Course

Local volunteers looking to boost their rally skillset are invited to check out the Orchard City Amateur Radio Club’s website for details on their upcoming course. Radio operators are always in high demand at all rally events, and Big White is no exception. In addition to gaining a new skill and increasing event safety, you…

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Thank-you to Volunteers!

First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH! Without volunteers we could not have the sport that we love to compete in, volunteer at, and spectate! We cannot express enough how much we appreciate time that you contribute, the money you invest and the enthusiasm that you show, especially in the freezing cold! This year we had…

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