On October 28th, 2014
As teams prepare for the Rocky Mountain Rally, it seems odd to be thinking a month down the road to the next event, but we’ve just released the supplementary regulations for the 2014 Big White Winter Rally and we are now accepting entries.
We are working on a few changes with this year’s event, including heated indoor parking overnight before the rally start. Teams will enjoy a nice warm car at the start, regardless of the weather that comes to us that weekend. As we get confirmation of more changes we’ll let you know. If they all come through, it will only add to the Big White experience!
On October 19th, 2014
Hello friends, it’s time once again to sign up to get the best seat in the house. As in previous years, we have set up a short survey to collect and centralize information on our small army of volunteers required to run the event safely and successfully. This method allows us to place volunteers effectively and keep track of numbers and individual preferences. Please follow the link below to reach the survey.
Click here to get to the 2014 survey.
Thanks in advance from the organizers! We hope to see you all there!
On December 17th, 2013
Local volunteers looking to boost their rally skillset are invited to check out the Orchard City Amateur Radio Club’s website for details on their upcoming course.
Radio operators are always in high demand at all rally events, and Big White is no exception. In addition to gaining a new skill and increasing event safety, you get to follow the event when it isn’t happening right in front of you, and get the best viewing points and photo opportunities.
Non-locals wishing to get their radio licenses can purchase the study materials or make use of online resources, and then challenge the exam through one of OCARC’s examiners or another club. American volunteers are encouraged to inquire through their local amateur radio club or the American Radio Relay League.
OCARC has been a supporter of Big White Winter Rally since it’s inception in 2009 and has made personnel and equipment – including multiple repeaters – available to us each year.